Otherwise known as “public enemy #1”. This offender is best known for its bright yellow color which typically blooms in early April. Don’t be fooled by its inviting warmth, it generates hundreds of seeds which multiply rapidly covering your lawn in chaos.
Smooth Crabgrass
This grassy weed is notorious for germinating in spring and overwhelming healthy turf with its presence. It will grow quickly and its seeds allow it to reproduce rapidly. After the first frost of the fall this weed will finally die leaving plenty of patchy areas in your lawn. Our trained enforcement technicians prevent this weed from germinating through a proactive approach.
This grassy weed is known to grow during the late spring summer months. It’s easiest to distinguish this offender 2-3 days after your lawn is mowed. You’ll notice it growing disproportionately to the rest of your lawn and it is a lighter shade of green. This trespasser is especially elusive and requires a specific product application (not included in THE HEALTHY LAWN PROGRAM) in order to be killed.
Its cousin may add flavor to your meal but this weed is a frustrating nightmare in your turf. This elusive offender is best known for being stubborn but is no match for our broadleaf weed killing application. Within 24 hours of application it begins to twirl, wilt and die. The verdict is in, and justice is served when our friendly technicians arrive on the scene of the crime.
This terror of turf is known for its purple blooms and is a frequent flier to our officers. It consumes lawns by easily spreading throughout. Our application stops it in its tracks and helps your lawn return to healthy, happy and peaceful.
His rap sheet proves there is nothing “lucky” about this weed. It may be challenging to observe this pest until the white blooms appear. In severe cases you may wonder if its snowing in the summer. It’s not. It’s clover and we can serve it an arrest warrant. Bail? DENIED!
Think Spiderman, except evil! This loser spreads out like a web attempting to consume as much real estate in your grass as possible. It is known to frequent the summer months but is no match for our lawn technician enforcers.
Roses are red, violets are blue, if you see this weed, you know what to do. Call us for immediate action! This lawn invader is frustrating because of its stubbornness. Inferior applications will provide false hope as the suspect wilts and appears to die only to recover and continue to spread. We use a unique formula designed to kill this specific weed. Due to the genetic characteristics of this weed it requires a unique application not included in THE HEALTHY LAWN PROGRAM.
Johnson Grass
This grassy weed frustrates its victims due to its rapid growth and broad presence in your lawn. It is known to ignore requests to leave and usually requires lawn enforcement action. Due to the genetic characteristics of this weed it requires a unique application not included in THE HEALTHY LAWN PROGRAM.
This offender is known to commit multiple crimes against unsuspecting victims. Not only does it terrorize your healthy lawn it often instigates an attack on your allergies. Evidence of its presence is not only visual but initiates sneezing and coughing.